“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”


The Cape Cornwall School curriculum ensures that all our students have the opportunity for academic and personal development across a broad range of subjects and experiences. It combines equality of opportunity to our core learning with opportunities for students to make individual choices regarding their learning experiences.  Acquisition of knowledge and transferable skills are the cornerstones of our student’s progress, and we place a high value on building their understanding of community, place and social justice. Lessons and other learning experiences are sequenced to build on students’ prior knowledge and ensure that students deepen their knowledge of each subject and the interconnection between subjects and their global context.

Our curriculum is the foundation to achieving our Core Principles:

  • Students leave Cape with high-value achievements and the life skills and resilience that provide a platform for future success and happiness.
  • We are inspired to work together to research, design and implement highly effective and sustainable solutions to develop and maintain our thriving school community.
  • Continuous improvement is achieved through a whole school culture of, and commitment to, creativity, engagement and professionalism.

What is unique to the study of Global Values?

Global Values is the study of Religious Education, PSHE, Citizenship and Careers and is a multi-disciplinary subject. The Global Values curriculum has high aspirations at its core, encouraging students to be aspirational in all elements of their lives including relationships, health and wellbeing, careers and living in the wider world. It is responsive to the needs of the school and the individuals within it, and supports students’ personal development that is vital to their wellbeing and future success. The Global Values curriculum delivers high quality education, giving students the opportunity to develop their understanding of the world around them through the study of a range of challenging topics that will support their transition into adulthood as local, national and global citizens. Global Values gives students the tools to be enquiring individuals, to view life through the different lenses, be open to new ideas and opinions, and discerning in their life-choices.

Repeat Concepts in PSHE:

  • Living in the Wider World
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Relationship & Sex Education
  • Careers

Repeat Concepts for RE:

  • Beliefs, teachings and sources
  • Identity, diversity and belonging
  • Practices and ways of life
  •  Meaning, purpose and truth
  • Expressing meaning
  • Values and commitments




Global Values

PE & Sport






Food & Nutrition


Design & Technology


Computer Science


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