
“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.” 

Ludwig Wittgenstein

The Cape Cornwall School curriculum ensures that all our students have the opportunity for academic and personal development across a broad range of subjects and experiences. It combines equality of opportunity to our core learning with opportunities for students to make individual choices regarding their learning experiences.  Acquisition of knowledge and transferable skills are the cornerstones of our student’s progress, and we place a high value on building their understanding of community, place and social justice. Lessons and other learning experiences are sequenced to build on students’ prior knowledge and ensure that students deepen their knowledge of each subject and the interconnection between subjects and their global context.

Our curriculum is the foundation to achieving our Core Principles:

  • Students leave Cape with high-value achievements and the life skills and resilience that provide a platform for future success and happiness.

  • We are inspired to work together to research, design and implement highly effective and sustainable solutions to develop and maintain our thriving school community.

  • Continuous improvement is achieved through a whole school culture of, and commitment to, creativity, engagement and professionalism.

What is unique to the Study of English Language and Literature?

English is a multi-disciplinary subject encompassing the study of language, literature, drama, speaking and listening, writing, reading, media and I.T. Occupying a pre-eminent position both in the curriculum and in our society, English is fundamental in allowing us to make sense of the world, develop our personal intellectual growth, and participate effectively in society and the work force. The English team are passionate about their subject, and aim to enthuse every individual student. We actively seek out and include dynamic and interesting examples of language that allow students to explore the world vicariously through a love of reading, explore authorial intent, think critically, develop their own opinions on the written word and emulate purposeful writing. 

Our curriculum covers all aspects of the National Curriculum in a clearly sequenced programme to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence of our learners. Students enjoy a variety of learning opportunities within and outside of the classroom, and we support the wide reaching aspects of the subject through our strong connections with other departments. Every student has the ability to reach their potential through our engaging and challenging English curriculum.

In English, our Repeat Concepts are:

  1. Evaluation of humanity
  2. Marginalisation
  3. Spiritual and Supernatural
  4. Cultural Diversity
  5. Conflict
  6. Origins of language and stories
  7. Belonging and Identity
  8. My own opinion




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